
In charge of the team of partners and the consultant, Cristóbal de la Maza Guzmán, all of them with broad academic and technical experience, with an interdisciplinary approach that combines the requirements of our specialties in complex administrative and judicial proceedings, thus generating added value.

  • Strategic and technical evaluation and analysis of litigations, arbitrations, conciliations, administrative and alternative dispute resolution proceedings.
  • Forensic analysis of evidence or probative material, expert assessment of evidence and discovery of new relevant environmental information.
  • Legal, technical and economic support in litigations before the Environmental Courts, Courts of Appeals and Supreme Court, in administrative proceedings before the Environmental Assessment Service and the Environmental Superintendence.
  • Reports containing technical and economic analysis in judicial proceedings and conciliations, as well as technical and economic assessment of environmental effects and damages.
  • Legal report or expert opinion in arbitration procedures, lawsuits and conciliations and administrative proceedings.
  • Human rights and community relations policies.
  • Personalized advice and strategic analysis for senior management in environmental and sustainability matters.