Compliance, Sanctions and Environmental Crimes

In charge of partners Ricardo Irarrázabal Sánchez and Ruggero Cozzi Elzo, with the support of technical consultant Cristóbal de la Maza Guzmán, who has outstanding experience in the public sector in the framework of his functions as Superintendent of the Environment during the years 2019 through 2022. As an interdisciplinary area, we provide added value in the best technical and legal understanding of situations related to environmental effects or damages generating inputs for the correct design of actions for Compliance Programs and Reports of Effects as well as administrative and judicial defenses, all focused on preventive environmental compliance.

  • Environmental-legal compliance audits to projects that already have environmental qualification resolutions or sectorial environmental permits.
  • Environmental, regulatory and reputational risk analysis and management strategies.
  • Preparation of environmental permit maps for regulatory follow-up.
  • Advice and representation of companies in processes of self-denunciation, inspection, formulation of charges, compliance programs and remediation plans carried out by the Superintendence of the Environment.
  • Calculation and determination of eventual sanctions and fines by the Superintendence of the Environment and formulation of strategies to face charges.
  • Generation o risk matrices and environmental compliance strategies from a sanctioning and penal point of view. Compliance management and crime prevention models.
  • Evaluation of regulatory gaps and prioritization of actions.
  • Advice on environmental monitoring and follow-up, advanced analytics and environmental intelligence.