Cristóbal de la Maza Guzmán

Cristóbal is a Civil Industrial Engineer, with a PhD in engineering and public policies. He works as a consultant for public and private institutions, both nationally and internationally, especially in environmental and public policy issues. In the academic field, he is dedicated to university teaching and research.


  • Environment.
  • Engineering and Public Policies.
  • Economics and Environmental Policy.


  • Civil Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2008).
  • PhD in Engineering and Public Policies, Carnegie Mellon University, United States (2014 – 2018).


  • Superintendent of the Environment (2019 – 2022).
  • Director of the Environment and Climate Change Division, Ministry of Energy (2019).
  • Director of the Environmental Information and Economics Division, Ministry of the Environment (2010 – 2014).
  • Professor of Economics and Environmental Policy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2022 – present).
  • Professor of Business Sustainability and Environmental Management, Universidad San Sebastián (2022 – present).
  • Researcher at the Center of Public Policies, Universidad San Sebastián (2022 – present).
  • Researcher at the Economics for Sustainable Development Center (2023 – present).


  • Spanish and English.


  • Between 2010 and 2014, as Head of the Environmental Information and Economics Division of the Ministry of the Environment, he participated in the design and implementation of the National Green Growth Strategy, in the regulations of the Emissions and Pollutant Transfer Register, the cost and benefit Analysis of Quality Standards, Emission and Decontamination Plans, design and implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility Law, publication of the First Report on the State of the Environment and administration of the National Environmental Information System.
  • Between 2014 and 2018, PhD studies in Engineering and Public Policies at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, specializing in areas of Economics and Environmental Policy, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Decision Sciences and Data Science.
  • In 2017, development of methodology for estimating economic benefits from noise level reduction for the Secretariat of Planning and Transportation (SECTRA).
  • In 2018, updating of computer platforms, environmental and economic assessment models MODEC, for the Secretariat of Planning and Transportation (SECTRA).
  • In 2019, as Head of the Environmental and Climate Change Division of the Ministry of Energy, design and implementation of Decarbonization Strategy and 2050 Carbon Neutrality commitment, Solid Biofuels Law, Climate Change Framework Law and Green Tax Law.
  • Between 2019 and 2022, as Superintendent of the Environment, implementation of general instructions on monitoring, reporting and verification, amendment of Law 19,300 on auditors and environmental certification, design and implementation of Environmental Intelligence Strategy, resolution of sanctioning procedures, compliance programs, requirements to enter the SEIA and imposition of provisional measures, among others.
  • In 2022, Development of an Emissions Offsetting Trading Platform in the framework of the Green Tax, for the Ministry of the Environment.
  • In 2022, Background for Updating of the Primary Air Quality Standard on Fine Particulate Matter for the Ministry of the Environment.
  • In 2022, development of Environmental Compliance Model for an energy sector company in the framework of the obligations supervised by the Superintendence of the Environment.
  • In 2022, granting advice to companies of the industrial, energy, real estate and mining sectors, with regard to Environmental Impact Assessment before the Environmental Assessment Service and Sanctioning Procedures before the Superintendence of the Environment.